A few weeks back I posted a young mans story written by his father John. There are a lot of disturbing things in this case. My sister was upset that he actually DID have sex with a 13 year old. Even knowing this young man did not know his partners age – thinking about girls having sex at 13 makes us parents cringe. I get it.

Another man ranted at me that the boy KNEW he was talking to a 13 year old. The old implication that all men really want an under aged ‘school girl’.

Could be my refusal to believe I’m unattractive in my pre granny days, or the fact that I know a number of men, my boys included, who have never shown an interest in that particular ‘fantasy’.

Yet the ‘schoolgirl’ / ‘daddy’ fantasy is as old as time – many saying it has more to do with holding on to our youth than real attraction. Lines like ‘the date was great until she spoke’, or how in ‘Peggy Sue Got Married’ where Nicholas Cage tells Kathleen Turner about his young girlfriend…..

That's over. I got tired of translating everything to her.

                She thought the Big Bopper was a hamburger.

Regardless of your beliefs, the fact in this case is that the FBI found out about the two minor aged girls selling sex on “Meetme” approximately five months prior to stopping the girls ‘business’. The hypocrisy in this situation is remarkable! Instead of saving a child from being ‘raped’ in the courts term, trafficked by her sister, and sexually exploited – they choose to hold off and observe for five months!

In the war on trafficking….where do you think those five months fit into the fight? I can tell you, straight up, what caused the delay…..MONEY!

If this child was being held captive would they wait 5 months? If this child was being neglected by her parents would they wait 5 months after having proof? Nope! But none of those scenarios pays money per arrest!! Do the math!

This young man, just 20 at the time, and decidedly naive – did get convicted of his transgressions. Justifiable? Yes. And no.

But fortunately he was tried in Oregon. Even though the charges could have given him upwards of two decades in prison, the boy was given about 3 years jail with 5 years probation. He will recover.

Compare that to Washingtons six to ten years per count, with lifetime probation…

No one, anywhere, agrees that actions should not have consequences. We are all responsible for our actions. No one, anywhere, agrees that when a child is ACTUALLY being abused, or in this case trafficked, that the action is able to be condoned for any reason!


4 thoughts on “Jailbait

  1. The FBI does pretty much what they feel like doing. Exploiting children to protect children seems to be one way they operate. Here’s another operation they had going for awhile and I imagine they still have similar type sites they control. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/01/21/fbi-ran-website-sharing-thousands-child-porn-images/79108346/ I also do not agree that a 20 year old deserves 3 years in jail with 5 years probation unless he had a record of similar offenses. He probably needs some counseling which he won’t get in jail or from his probation officer. I hope he can recover and put this behind him, but he may or may not be able to do that considering the stigma that is put on sex offenders in society.


  2. Isn’t there some kind of charge for those who sit back and allow for child abuse to continue to happen, while they just sit back and watch it happen?


    1. In the case of the Police I think it’s much more… who have taken a sworn oath to uphold the law, dereliction of duty subject to review, suspension, dismissal and even jail. In the case of people unless you are the parent or responsible for that person you are under no legal obligation to protect them. I like “Aiding & Abetting Tho” 😊


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